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Profile Page


Above the tabs on the profile are two image sections. These are for profile images should you wish to use them. Click on the camera icons to edit the two sections. These images will then show in your account pages and on any posts you make on the site.


This tab contains all the listings you currently have on the site. This includes business, job vacancies and any other listings you may have. Click on the listing to edit the details or to access the Featured Listing upgrade.

When editing a listing you are presented with the form that the listing was originally entered on. Edit the form fields as necessary.


A list of any posts you have made on the site. You are invited to write articles for us if you can supply accurate, detailed informational articles on relevant subjects. These articles will be displayed on the site’s blog and you will be credited with authorship and the article will link to your business listing. For more information on writing for us, contact us through the support email system.

Featured Listing Upgrade

This tab contains information on the benefits of upgrading your business listing to a ‘Featured’ listing, pricing and how to upgrade your listing.

More Info

This tab is publically viewable and contains the information that you enter in the ‘Bio’ section on your account page or in your account registration form..

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